If you plan an hour-long training run and find yourself out of gas after 20 minutes, the problem might be your fuel. Sometimes, worried about having to use a bathroom during their workouts, runners avoid eating (and drinking water) before they train.

This is a mistake, as having enough energy to keep moving is as important to your results as proper form and leg strength. The best pre-run snacks provide high-quality, easy-to-digest carbs to keep your energy level consistent throughout your workout. And we have 16 top options that fit that bill and are dietitian-approved and packed with nutrients.

Of course, these suggestions are only a guide. Every individual is unique in terms of digestion time and how pre-run snacks settle, so you’ll need to experiment with how much and how long before each run you choose to eat your snack. But these offer a great place to start.

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Pre-Run Snacks for Hour-Long Workouts

It’s okay to run on empty for shorter workouts, but having a small snack about 30 minutes before you head out the door may help you avoid feeling hungry, especially if your short workout is also high-intensity. These snacks are ideal before speed sessions and hill work.

1 Cup Low-Fiber Cereal With ½ Cup Skim Milk

pre run snack, cereal with milk
Abel Halasz / EyeEm//Getty Images

The milk provides protein, and both the cereal and milk have carbs to keep you energized.

2 (3-inch) Fig Cookies

pre run snack, fig bar
pamela_d_mcadams//Getty Images

The cookies are easy to digest and packed with high-energy carbs, vitamins, and minerals.

1 Cup of Berries With ½ Cup Low-Fat Cottage Cheese

pre run snack, cottage cheese with berries
Photo by Cathy Scola//Getty Images

Eat this 60 to 90 minutes before a workout. The berries offer carbs for energy, while the cottage cheese provides calcium, potassium, and vitamin D—all of which come in handy when training.

3 Graham Cracker Squares With 1 Teaspoon of Honey

prerun snack graham crackers
bhofack2//Getty Images

This high-carb snack is perfect 15 to 30 minutes before a short speed session.

6 Ounces Plain Greek Yogurt and 1 Medium Peach

pre run snack yogurt and peaches
Emilie Baltz//Getty Images

With calcium, vitamin D, and potassium to support bone and muscle health, plus antioxidants to boost immune function, this snack is perfect one hour before a run.

What to Eat Before an Hour-Long Workout
Whole Wheat Fig Bars Variety Pack
Nature’s Bakery Whole Wheat Fig Bars Variety Pack
$19 at Amazon
Honey Maid Graham Crackers
Nabisco Honey Maid Graham Crackers
Classic Cottage Cheese (Plain)
Good Culture Classic Cottage Cheese (Plain)
Greek Yogurt
Fage Greek Yogurt

Pre-Run Snacks for 60- to 90-Minute Workouts

Going longer? You’ll need more fuel so you finish the workout strong and don’t tire out before you’re done.

1 Medium Banana and 1 Tablespoon of Nut Butter

pre run snack bananas with nut butter
Manuta//Getty Images

Eat this one hour before your workout. The potassium and fluid in the fruit help you stay hydrated; the nut butter offers heart-healthy fat plus carbs.

1 Bagel With 1 Tablespoon of Nut Butter and 1 Tablespoon of Jam

pre run snack bagel with peanut butter and jelly
Gingagi//Getty Images

A perfect combination of carbs, fat, and protein for a long run. The carbs will give you quick energy while the protein and fat will keep your energy from dropping.

½ Cup of Oats With Skim Milk, Topped With 1 Cup of Strawberries

pre run snack oats with strawberries
Food style and photography//Getty Images

Great as a snack one hour before your workout because it is packed with carbs and B vitamins. This is also a terrific post-run snack.

2 Ounces of Pretzels With 2 Tablespoons of Hummus

pre run snack pretzels with hummus
pfb1//Getty Images

Pretzels provide easy-to-digest carbs for fast energy plus sodium to keep you hydrated; the hummus offers iron for strength, plus protein.

2 Whole-Grain Frozen Waffles With 2 Tablespoons of Maple Syrup

pre run snack waffles with syrup
Michelle Arnold / EyeEm//Getty Images

Maple syrup and waffles both offer fast-digesting carbs to provide an energy boost; the syrup also offers B vitamins to boost energy and bolster recovery.

Peanut Butter and Banana Sandwich on Whole-Grain Bread

pre run snack peanut butter on bread with bananas
OatmealStories//Getty Images

Eat this 60 to 90 minutes before your workout. The calories will keep your energy high during a long run.

2 Ounces of Honey Whole-Wheat Pretzels Dipped in 1 Tablespoon of Natural Peanut Butter

pre run snack, pretzels with peanut butter
bhofack2//Getty Images

The pretzels provide carbs for energy and sodium to help keep you hydrated; the peanut butter offers protein to help muscles recover.

16-Ounce Sports Drink

pre run snack, sports drink
Andrew Burton//Getty Images

Drinks this 15 to 30 minutes before (or during) your workout. It provides fluids and electrolytes to help keep you hydrated.

15 Animal Crackers Dipped in 2 Tablespoons Peanut Butter

pre run snack, animal crackers and peanut butter
bhofack2//Getty Images

Eat these 30 to 60 minutes before your workout. Animal crackers are easy to digest and provide carbs for long-lasting energy. In addition to adding healthy fats and protein, peanut butter has been linked to a lower risk of coronary heart disease.

1 Cup of Apple Cinnamon O's Cereal With 1 Cup of Skim Milk and 1 Medium Banana

pre run snack, cereal
Steve Parsons - PA Images//Getty Images

Eat this 45 to 60 minutes before your workout. The cereal and milk provide carbs for an energy boost, the banana provides potassium, and the milk offers an extra boost of calcium for bone health.

3 Ounces Deli Turkey Wrapped in a Flour Tortilla With 1 Cup Shredded Veggies

pre run snack, turkey wrap
LauriPatterson//Getty Images

Eat this 90 minutes before your workout. This will provide long-lasting energy with extra protein to aid in muscle recovery.

What to Eat Before a 60- to 90-Minute Workout
Organic Everything Bagels
Dave's Killer Bread Organic Everything Bagels
Braided Honey Wheat Pretzel Twists
Snyder’s of Hanover Braided Honey Wheat Pretzel Twists
Organic Quick Cooking Steel Cut Oats
Bob’s Red Mill Organic Quick Cooking Steel Cut Oats
Natural Stir Creamy Peanut Butter
Smucker's Natural Stir Creamy Peanut Butter