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Media Platforms Design Team

WEIGHT: M 7.2 oz; W 5.9 oz


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Great Scott! The Race Rocker impressed our testers with their smooth transition, cushioning, lack of weight and breathability. The shoe promoted a quick heel or midfoot to toe-off transition with its slightly lower heel, thicker midfoot midsole and lower-profile forefoot. Midfoot-strikers, however, found the rocker required some adjustment time, and some felt that it interfered with their stride. The fit was generally deemed to be "beyond comfortable," but it is snug and one tester experienced some heel rubbing and another said it crowded his toes. Testers reported they would wear these for a marathon or as a lightweight trainer for tempo runs or speed work, but most found them too heavy for short racing.

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Media Platforms Design Team

SIMILAR MODELS IN PERFORMANCE: Brooks T7 Racer, Skechers GOrun, Puma Faas 300, Pearl Izumi Streak 2, Saucony Grid Type A5
SIMILAR MODELS IN FIT: Zoot Ultra TT 4.0, ASICS GEL-Hyper Speed 4, New Balance 1600