You can find compression gear on runners at the starting line of a race, at the airport, or after a tough training session. Some people even wear it to bed.

While research doesn’t fully support the compression advantage, some studies have shown that wearing it after a hard effort may speed recovery and improve performance for subsequent runs.

Compression gear, however, doesn't come cheap.

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But today, there's a 2XU deal from Eastern Mountain Sports. During their Adventure sale, you can score 2XU compression tights, calf sleeves, and long-sleeve tops from EMS for 30 percent off. Plus, with the code “FALL20,” you can get an additional 20 percent off one item. 2XU’s compression gear has long been on the radar of Runner’s World editors.

With colder weather on the way (for most of us, anyway), check out the deal on the 2XU women’s compression tights.

Made from brushed nylon and lycra for warmth and protection, they feature flatlock seams to prevent chafing, UPF 50 protection, antibacterial properties, and an internal key pocket. They’re also contoured to compress in certain areas more than others and allow some stretch.

Usually the compression tights cost $99.95, but they’re on sale for $69.98. And with the code “FALL20” you’ll get them for $55.98.