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7 Tips for Getting Started in the Gym When You’re a Beginner

Formerly gym-shy athletes share how they overcame their fears to get stronger and run harder.

By Jordan Smith
gym for beginners
Trevor Raab

Stepping into the gym can be intimidating, especially if your preferred form of exercise is lacing up and logging multiple miles. Let’s face it, runners notoriously skip the weights, even though building strength can help you avoid injury and run faster.

But, by taking a few small steps, you can feel more comfortable in the gym (or adding at-home strength training during the COVID-19 pandemic), fast. We asked readers via an Instagram post to tell us how they overcame their own fears of the weight room in order to become strength-training fans. From getting some virtual help from trainers or having a friend you train with via Zoom to remembering that no one else is really judging you, even if you have to start with the smallest weights on the rack, can be helpful in adding cross-training to your weekly workout rotation. Soon, strength-training in the gym (or at home) won’t be intimidating anymore—even for beginners.

[Download the All Out Studio App for amazing Runner’s World workouts you can do at home!]

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Start Small

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vgajic//Getty Images

“My advice for beginners is: Start with just running or fast walking (gives you a chance to look around and see equipment and what people are doing). Go when it is not crowded (late nights and early morning). That way you will feel more comfortable trying new equipment. Also start with simple exercises—the mat, a few free weights. Following a YouTube workout video always helps.”—aleksandrakamaric

“To start out slow and easy. And you’ll be sore for a while, but it will be good. Stay with it!”—ashlynkayruns

“Trust the process. Don’t expect weight loss/muscle gain right away. Patience is key.”—cooltechdad

“Start small and refine as you see fit. I used to believe runners don’t lift weights, but then a few years ago I started. I started to be okay with reps and weights instead of hitting all the machines. After reading various article and videos later, Monday is leg day, Tuesday biceps...and so forth. But again, start small and as you start to get stronger increase rep/sets.”—cooltechdad

“Stick to your own schedule. Not someone who doesn’t know you. ASK questions. Don’t expect results overnight. Make small attainable goals. Less is more starting out. Both as weight you lift and time spent. Have fun.”—irun26point2__

[10 Essential Strength Training Exercises for Runners]


Leverage the Power of Music

gym for beginners
Park Feierbach

Music! Pop those headphones in, square those shoulders, and get marching! Or lifting, or running.... Just kick up that volume and lose yourself in the rhythm!!!! My favorite back-to-the-gym jam is Eye of the Tiger!!!”—taramoshier

Find something to listen to that you enjoy, and don’t be afraid to shake it up! Sometimes I love pop music, other times I turn to heavy metal. And still other times, it’s a podcast!! Having some great background noise can make all the difference!”—maisie_mai

“Good headphones and an even better playlist (or podcast).”—katlico

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Know People Aren’t Judging You

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Klaus Vedfelt//Getty Images

“I stopped being intimidated by the gym when I realized everyone else is there fighting their own battles and insecurities. We all have a lot more in common then we realize that.”—

“Most people are focused on themselves! A lot of fears come from worrying what other will think and who might judge you but most of the time we forget that the majority of gym goers have their own goals and concerns. It’s okay to go down in weight or not do as many reps without being worried. You’re there and that’s the first step!”—iheartdrake

“As a runner, I often feel self-conscious in a gym because I’m scared I’ll look stupid for turning all of my lifts into cardio super-super sets in circuits with plyometrics. And frankly, I probably do look stupid, but I just tell myself to ‘not care what anybody else thinks’ and it works. Sometimes, I try to look up a workout on or follow the weight training regimen our club track team has. Probably it’s best to read about proper technique and what to pay attention to before going into the workout. Yet whether it is you’re trying so hard that your face is all knotted up, or you apply running philosophy to lifting, or maybe you think you’re not good enough to try a certain type of workout, or anything you are trying to achieve- you can’t let the fear of looking stupid hold you back.”—squirrely858

“It’s you vs. you. Don’t worry about what others might be thinking. Focus on silencing the voice telling you to quit and that you’ve done enough.”—1000_miles_in_2020

“As a personal trainer for 17 years, this is an important question. Remember that no one is watching you, never feel silly or our of place and own your workout! Second, consistency, keep coming back and it will get easier—I promise!”—run_rhandi_run

“Understand that EVERY person there is on their own fitness journey. The likelihood that they’re eyeballing your workout or judging you is slim to none. But if they are, who cares? There are tons of people out there that don’t take that first step. Be prideful when you DO and stick to it-you’re already ahead of a lot of folks just in that!”— malloryaw

“Every time you go you get better—only one time are you at your weakest. Just go for it that one time and you’ll be hooked!”— bellavamt

[9 Essential Weight-Training Exercises for Runners]

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Hire a Trainer

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Fertnig//Getty Images

“I got a personal trainer who taught me about the different equipment and helped me feel more confident.”—jswhitted

“Hire a trainer. Not only will you learn the proper way to do things, which can’t be underestimated, but they usher you through a gym like a tour guide. It really mitigates the fear of doing something stupid, gives you a huge range of exercises, and prevents you from just bailing to the cardio equipment because you’re familiar with it. I’ve learned so many things in almost a year, and now I’m way more comfortable on my own. I’m considerably stronger than I otherwise would have been and avoided injury. My trainer is fantastic.”—britt.sort

“Focus on yourself and get a personal trainer to at least learn the basics. You are doing this for you.”—bruno.7442

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Take a (Virtual) Class

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Delmaine Donson//Getty Images

“Take a strength-training class. It taught me the right way to lift so I felt less intimidated to lift on my own.”—hildofchristmas37

“Join a class! I find it much less intimidating than going alone, plus the instructors can correct your form so you’re not wasting your time.”—nixonrunning

“Sign up to a class that teaches you the basics, squat, deadlift ... get to know the movements and nail a correct form. Ask them for accessory movements you can do on your own. Only go heavy as long as you can maintain form.”—simontaen

“Take a class and find something you love doing! Going with a friend is even better!”—andrealynn730

“Take a class like body pump, boxing, TRX, or a bootcamp that’s included in your membership. I did this and learned a lot of great routines that I can duplicate at any time in pretty much every gym. But I actually prefer the pace, accountability and camaraderie of a class.”—erinmydirtylaundry


Have a Plan

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Hirurg//Getty Images

“Have a plan before you go. It’s easy to get intimidated by equipment if you don’t know how to use it or what to do with it. Look up workouts online. There are so many available and most include photos or videos showing you how to do movements. Write some down so you’re ready to go when you get there!”—c2avery

“Have a plan going into the gym. Don’t get there and wander aimlessly trying to decide what to do.”—j_l_marsh

“Start with some basic body-weight or kettlebell exercises to build strength. Then when you’re ready, watch videos and be observant of others to figure out how to use different machines and weights. If you’re nervous about looking like you don't know what you're doing, remember that everyone started where you are! Everyone’s focusing on themselves, and no one’s wishing you any ill will!”—cmikeson

“Have a workout planned before you get in the gym, use that as a focus so that you don’t feel overwhelmed by having to decide what to do on the spot. I found motivation in visualizing the event / goal I was training for and how amazing that achievement would feel. Then it felt like each gym session was a stepping stone towards that goal.”—jemimaolivia_massage

[The Ultimate Guide to High-Intensity Interval Training for Runners]

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Know It Will Make You a Stronger Runner

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rudi_suardi//Getty Images

“My injuries forced me to prioritize my strength and cross-training days. I took a year and a half off from consistent running to rehab my body (I’m talking chiropractic appointments, yoga, indoor cycling, and weight gain lol)—what it led to was a more discipline regimen that includes non-running workouts and I feel so much better in my runs! I’d encourage anyone to just go to the gym because it’ll make you stronger and more efficient.”—jskayyyy

“Just wrap your mind around it being essential to become a stronger runner. If you love running, you need strong legs and better place to get that done than the gym.”—joelitoxxiii

“An injury that’s put me on the sidelines of running, and forced me to look after my body in other ways! I don’t view strength training as an optional add-on to my workout anymore.”—

[How to Set New Goals When You’re Injured to Come Back Stronger]

Headshot of Jordan Smith
Jordan Smith
Digital Editor
Jordan Smith is a writer and editor with over 5 years of experience reporting on health and fitness news and trends. She is a published author, studying for her personal trainer certification, and over the past year became an unintentional Coronavirus expert. She has previously worked at Health, Inc., and 605 Magazine and was the editor-in-chief of her collegiate newspaper. Her love of all things outdoors came from growing up in the Black Hills of South Dakota.
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