Photo by Victah Sailer

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On Monday two-time Olympian Ryan Hall posted on his Twitter account that he was heading out to get an MRI. We took it from there.

You Tweeted that you just went in for an MRI. What’s going on? 

Ryan Hall: Nothing too exciting. I have had plantar fasciitis in my left foot since this past November. It got pretty bad in my training for the trials so I was on a lot of Aleve leading up to the race, which led to some stomach and fueling issues in the race itself. I took three weeks off and still was feeling pain upon returning to training. We decided to get an image of it just to make sure there wasn't anything going on.

The MRI just showed I had plantar fasciitis, which is great news. Being 100% sure what I am dealing with and the fact that it's improving day by day gives me confidence that it will gradually go away as I proactively deal with the injury.

To what degree has the plantar issue hampered your training? 

RH: None. I haven't missed one run because of it. I had some painful runs but it really isn't bad now. Before the trials it was intense at times, but now it is more of a dull annoyance than anything.

How have you been treating it on a day-to-day basis? Are you using any self-remedies that have come to work for you? If so, what are they? 

RH: The biggest thing I am doing for it is shockwave therapy with Dr. John Ball in Phoenix. The treatment is really helping, but it takes about 12 treatments spread out over a 12-week period to really kick the problem. I have had four treatments so far, so I think it should improve a lot in the coming weeks.

I have used a night splint, massage, golf ball, icing, strengthening and stretching, all of which seems to help to some extent. From what I've learned it just takes patience more than anything.

What has been causing the plantar issue? 

RH: I think it is from getting overanxious and cutting my break shorter than I should have after Chicago. I also think I need to do more strengthening exercises with my feet. I actually think it’s a miracle that I've never had this before consider how intensely I have trained.

You Tweeted about the MRI. When/how do you decide what health information to share with your followers and what to hold back? 

RH: I try and be authentic and real as much as I can. I want people to understand that I am human just like them and they can relate to me on a lot of levels, including injuries. With that said, I don't always feel inclined to share everything that happens in my life because I do have a private life just like everyone else. But I'm not scared to be real, either.