Some runners simply don’t enjoy running in colder temperatures and will most likely opt for an indoor workout. Others take pleasure in the long-awaited reprieve from sweating out their miles in the heat, and the idea of a crisp wind chill and crunchy snow underfoot fills them with much anticipation. Whichever your preference, there are both risks and advantages to running in the cold, as well as scenarios where you might just be safer hitting the treadmill or indoor track.

Here, we asked a physical therapist, a running coach, and professional runners, when is it too cold to run outside? Read on so you can have a better understanding of how to handle the cold and various weather conditions.

When It’s Too Cold to Run Outside... According to a Physical Therapist

Everyone has heard the warning, “Don’t go out in the cold, or you’ll get sick!” But Natalie Markland, D.P.T., a physical therapist based Westminster, Colorado says getting outside and being active in the cold can actually make your immune system more resilient—as long as you wear enough warm layers.

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“As an additional benefit, the exercise endorphins can help to offset SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder) symptoms that frequently accompany the cold-weather seasons,” she notes.

However, there are also certain factors for runners to consider on an individual basis. “If you have asthma or some kind of breathing condition, it’s not ideal to breathe in that harsh air,” she said. “Personally, if I feel it’s too cold and dry, my throat starts to burn and will sometimes be sore for the rest of the day.” If you experience the same thing, ditch the trail in favor of the the treadmill.

She also warns that you’re on thin ice (figuratively—maybe literally) if you try to go out in extremely low temperatures: “When wind chill is around negative 20 degrees Fahrenheit, frostbite can set in within 30 minutes,” Markland says. In that case, it’s also best to stay inside.

When It’s Too Cold to Run Outside... The Coach’s Approach

Kathy Butler, USATF level 3 certified coach and coaching education instructor, as well as a two-time Olympian, sees to it that her athletes stay safe in a variety of outside conditions. In her experience, the potential hazard is not necessarily the cold itself, but rather a lack of sufficient preparation for running in it.

“I have seen my group train well in temperatures as low as 10 degrees Fahrenheit, but there was no wind, it was sunny, and they were quite bundled up,” she said. “Getting injured or sick while running in the cold is usually the result of not wearing the correct clothing—and sometimes it’s from dehydration, as you don’t expect that when it’s cold.”

Butler points out that another common mistake people make is waiting too long to get warm after a run. Athletes are encouraged to immediately get out of the cold and put on warm, dry clothes. Sipping a hot beverage can make a big difference in recovery, as well.

When It’s Too Cold to Run Outside... What Pro Runners Say

For professional athletes who must train year-round in their sport, it’s critical to assess weather conditions as an injury avoidance measure. So, when do the elites opt for the treadmill over an outdoor run?

“Having trained in Oregon, upstate New York, Michigan, and Colorado, I’m quite used to running in some pretty cold conditions,” says Sage Canaday, marathoner and professional mountain ultrarunner. “I’ve run in below zero a few times, but for the sake of my lungs and throat, I generally will run indoors if it is that cold outside—especially for intense workouts when I’m breathing harder.”

Will Leer, a mid-distance runner, enjoys winter running but says it’s too cold to run outside when temperatures hit below-zero. “At five degrees below zero (with wind chill), the propensity to emerge with frostbite goes up exponentially,” he says. “I’ve had frostbite, and you can take my word: it’s not worth it.”

Both Canaday and Leer acknowledge the risks and the need for extra preparation when running in the cold.

“If there is a lot of snow or ice on the ground, then lack of traction and slipping can be an issue, resulting in falls and other injuries,” Canaday said. “Also, it generally takes longer to warm up your muscles, so there may be an increased risk of a muscle tear or strain when trying to run hard.” (You can find some winter shoes now or add some traction to your own shoes.)

Leer recommends getting the warmup done while in “climate-controlled bliss” to make sure all parts of the body are ready for exercise before heading outside. He also advises choosing the right gear for enjoyable, injury-free winter running, with a good pair of gloves topping the list. “Nothing ruins a run more quickly than freezing cold hands. Look for something insulated with wind-blocking properties,” he says.

The bottom line running in the cold

Be smart with protective gear, and use your best judgment according to how well you personally tolerate cold temperatures.

“Everyone has their limits,” Leer says. “As I have gotten older, my limits have changed. My rule of thumb is that if I feel like the weather is an impediment, I run inside.”

Headshot of Paige Triola
Paige Triola
Contributing Writer

Paige Triola is a freelance writer based in Boulder, Colorado, who covers a range of topics in the athletic and outdoor recreation sphere. She spends much of her time cruising the trails on foot or by bike, testing out the newest gear designed for playing outside. Paige has written articles and product roundups for a variety of publications including Runner’s World, Bicycling Magazine, Gear Junkie, and Trail Runner Magazine.