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31 Creative Foam Roller Exercises You Probably Haven’t Tried Yet

From working the knots out of your muscles to gaining strength, make the most of this often underutilized training tool.

Foam physiotherapy, fitness sports self massage roller used to roll out tired, sore muscles, tension, strains and to increase muscle flexibility
edwardoliveGetty Images

The foam roller may be one of the best training tools at your disposal. However, many of us cringe at the thought of subjecting ourselves to the sometimes painful act of rolling after a hard workout, even if it takes only five to 10 minutes.

But when you know how to foam roll properly, you’re not only providing your body with an easy form of self-massage to soothe achy muscles, you’re also improving circulation, speeding recovery, and feeling better overall during your next workout. And once you’ve mastered the basics of foam rolling, there’s even more you can get out of this wondrous cylinder.

With the help of Jeremy Shore, certified strength and conditioning specialist and creator of the Run 360 training program, we’ve compiled this master list of essential muscle releases and strength-training exercises you can do with your foam roller. (Try one of our favorites, the TriggerPoint Grid foam roller that you see in the videos to follow).

How to use this list: Repeat each release that follows two to three times. All of the releases include rolling over the muscle slowly, followed by cross friction. For each strength exercise, follow the instructions on how many reps to perform.

1 of 31
Calf (Soleus)

Start seated with right ankle crossed over left and the foam roller underneath left ankle. Lift hips to roll up and down the calf slowly four times, then rotate left leg to the left and right twice with the roller below the middle of your calf. Repeat on the right leg.

2 of 31
Shin (Tibialis Anterior)

Start on all fours, wrists below shoulders, knees below hips with the roller placed below the left knee. Roll up and down left shin four times, then pivot hips to the right and left twice. Repeat on the right leg.

3 of 31
Outer Shin (Peroneus Longus)

Lie on left side with roller placed along the outer left shin. Cross right leg over left and support upper body on left forearm. Roll up and down the lateral (outer) side of the shin four times. Then perform cross friction by shifting the leg forward and back two times. Repeat on the right leg.

4 of 31
Thigh (Quadriceps)

Start in a forearm plank with roller placed across the left thigh, just above the knee. Roll up and down quads four times, then stop midway and bend left knee twice. Repeat on the right leg.

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Lower Inner Thigh (Vastus Medialis Oblique)

From a forearm plank position, rotate left knee externally and place roller perpendicular to thigh just above left knee. Shift weight side to side to roll along the inside of left thigh four times, then perform two leg extensions. Repeat on the right leg.

6 of 31
IT Band (Iliotibial Band)

Lie on left side with roller placed along the outer left thigh. Cross right leg over left and support upper body on left forearm. Roll four times up and down on the outer part of the thigh between the hip and knee, then bend left knee twice. Repeat on the right leg.

7 of 31
High Hamstring (Proximal Hamstring)

While seated, position the foam roller just under the left glute and roll up and down over the upper portion of the hamstring four times. Then, with the roller just below glute, shift left to right twice for cross friction. Repeat on the right leg.

8 of 31
Deep Hip (Piriformis)

Sit on the foam roller with weight shifted to the left. Roll the left glute to just under the hip bone four times, then draw left knee to chest and extend two times. Repeat on the right hip. [Run faster, stronger, and longer with this 360-degree training program.]

9 of 31
Inner Thigh (Adductors)

From a forearm plank position, rotate left leg out externally and place roller perpendicular to thigh just below hip crease. Shift weight to roll back and forth on the inner thigh four times, then draw left knee toward left shoulder twice. Repeat on the right leg.

10 of 31
Outer Hip (Tensor Fasciae Latae)

Lie on left side with the foam roller under left hip, feet splayed, and right hand on hip. Shift weight back and forth an inch or two four times, then rolling your shoulders forward and backward twice. Repeat on the right hip.

11 of 31
Low Back (Thoracolumbar Fascia)

Lie faceup, knees bent, feet flat on floor with the foam roller under your lower back. Slowly drop knees to the left, pause, then drop knees to the right side. Repeat twice more on each side.

[The Best Foam Rollers for Runners]

12 of 31
Mid- to Upper Back (Thoracic Spine)

Lie faceup with knees bent and position the foam roller under the middle of your back. Place hands behind head and roll between mid-back to the top of your shoulder blades four times, then pause and pivot, dropping elbow toward hip twice on each side.

13 of 31
Outer Upper Back (Latissimus Dorsi)

Lie on right side with right arm extended out straight, thumb pointing up, and place the foam roller below right underarm. Roll to the bottom of the lat (just above your natural waist) and back up four times, then rotate right palm up and sweep right arm forward and back. Repeat on the left side.

14 of 31
Back of Arm (Triceps)

Lie facedown and position the roller along the backside of your right arm just above the elbow. Roll over the triceps four times, then pause and bend right arm twice. Repeat on the left arm.

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Shoulder (Rear Deltoid)

Lie faceup with knees bent, feet flat on floor, and position the foam roller behind the left shoulder. Roll over along the backside of the shoulder four times, then rotate left arm twice. Repeat on the right arm.

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Chest (Pectoralis Major)

Lie facedown and position the foam roller at a 45-degree angle below left underarm with left arm extended. Roll over the upper, outer portion of the chest four times, then sweep left arm up and down twice. Repeat on the right side.

17 of 31
Front of Arm (Biceps)

Lie facedown with left arm extended over the foam roller with your thumb facing down. Roll back and forth over the biceps, then pause and swing left arm up and down two times for cross friction. Repeat on the right arm.

18 of 31
Bridge With Leg Extension

Lie faceup with knees bent, feet on the foam roller, and arms out at sides with palms facing up. Press through heels to lift hips so body forms a straight line from head to knees. Keep hips tucked to maintain a neutral spine. While holding this starting position and keeping hips level, extend left leg out, hold for two seconds, then return to start. Extend right leg out and return to start. Complete 10 reps per leg.

19 of 31
Bridge With Thoracic Roll

Start lying faceup with knees bent and the foam roller beneath mid-back, just under shoulder blades. Press through heels to lift hips while allowing the roller to travel up your back toward the top of shoulder blades. Pause at the top and squeeze your glutes. Lower and repeat for 10 to 15 reps.

20 of 31
Side Plank With Leg Lift

Start in a side forearm plank with right elbow stacked under right shoulder and the foam roller positioned under the outside of your right calf. Lift hips so body forms a straight line from head to feet. While holding this position, lift and lower your left leg for 10 reps. Repeat on other side.

21 of 31
Side Plank Thread the Needle

Start in a side forearm plank with right elbow stacked under right shoulder and the foam roller positioned under the outside of your right calf. Lift hips and extend left arm straight up. Keeping hips lifted, draw left hand down, rotate shoulders, and reach left hand below right underarm. Return to the starting position and complete 10 reps. Repeat on other side.

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Forearm Plank Jackknife

Start in a forearm plank position with elbows under shoulders and the foam roller positioned underneath your legs just below the knees. Engage core to maintain a neutral lower back. Draw knees in toward chest, allowing the roller to travel down to the bottom of your shins as hips lift. Extend back to the plank position and repeat for 10 to 15 reps.

[The Best Massage Tools for Sore Muscles]

23 of 31
Pushup to Pike

Start in a high plank position with wrists under shoulders and the foam roller placed under legs just below the knees. Lower chest to the floor to perform a pushup, then lift your hips allowing the roller to travel down your shins, briefly pausing at the top. Repeat for 10 to 15 reps.

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Mountain Climber

Start in a high plank position with wrists under shoulders and the foam roller placed under left leg just below the knee. Draw left knee to chest allowing the roller to travel down shin. Extend left leg back out as you draw right knee to chest. That’s 1 rep. Continue to alternate for 10 reps on each side. Repeat with roller under right leg.

25 of 31
Reverse Straight-Leg Bridge

Begin seated with hands at sides, fingers pointed out, and with the foam roller placed under both legs, just above your Achilles tendons. In one move, press into hands to lift hips and open chest as the roller travels up your calves. Swing hips back and repeat for 10 to 15 reps.

26 of 31

Start in a low lunge position, left foot in front, and right leg supported by the roller at the top of your right shin. Drive through the left foot to rise as the roller travels down your lower leg. Swing arms as if you are running. Repeat for 10 to 15 reps on each leg.

27 of 31

Kneel and place your hands on the ends of a shorter foam roller, holding it in front of chest. Push the roller to the right to wrap the it around your head and back to the starting position. Repeat in the opposite direction. Continue alternating for 10 reps in each direction.

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Reverse Side Crunch

Sit on the foam roller and shift weight to left hip. Stack feet, place right fingertips behind ear, and rest left hand down on mat for support. Draw knees in to right elbow to perform a side crunch while balancing on the roller. Complete 10 reps, then repeat on the other side.

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Offset Pushup

Start in a high plank position with wrists under shoulders but left hand on the roller. Slowly lower chest to roller height then press back up to the starting position. Do 10 reps, then repeat for 10 with right hand on roller.

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Closed Grip Pushup

Start in a high plank position with hands on the ends of a roller. Keeping your elbows tucked into your sides, lower chest to the roller and press back up to the starting position. Repeat for 10 to 15 reps.

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