Motivational Quotes to Get You Through Your Marathon

Remember the wise words of these running legends for an extra boost to power you through the mythical 26.2.

Urban runners crew training in the city
LeoPatriziGetty Images

Just like you, the writers and editors of Runner’s World live and breathe running. Also like most runners, we know there are lulls throughout the year when it can be difficult to wake up early, bust out the door when it’s frigid out or when it’s unbearably hot out, and get those miles logged.

So, if you still need an extra push, we’re big fans of mantras and other motivational quotes. Cheesy as it sometimes sounds, there is research that shows when you repeat a positive mantra or change your mindset with an uplifting quote, you’re able to push a little bit harder (and with less effort). And little tricks like that are completely necessary to help you in the months it takes to properly train for a marathon.

Because sometimes it’s just not enough to rely on music, Runner’s World has put together 30 quotes from a few towering figures in the sport of running that encapsulate what it means to train and race 26.2 miles, and what it takes to finish.

Rob de Castella
Zack Kutos
1 of 30
Dick Beardsley
Zack Kutos
2 of 30

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Noel Carroll
Zack Kutos
3 of 30
emil zátopek
Zack Kutos
5 of 30
Dean Karnazes
Zack Kutos
9 of 30
Jeffrey Horowitz
Zack Kutos
10 of 30
Haile Gebrselassie
Zack Kutos
11 of 30
Ryan Holmes
Zack Kutos
12 of 30
Frank Shorter
Zack Kutos
13 of 30
Hunter S. Thompson
Zack Kutos
14 of 30
Bill Rodgers
Zack Kutos
15 of 30
George Sheehan
Zack Kutos
16 of 30
17 of 30
Martine Costello
Zack Kutos
19 of 30
Gary Muhrcke
Zack Kutos
21 of 30
Dean Karnazes
Zack Kutos
22 of 30
Susan Sidoriak
Zack Kutos
23 of 30
Text, Font, Line, Yellow, Parallel,
Zack Kutos
24 of 30
Hal Higdon
Zack Kutos
25 of 30
Summer Sanders
Zack Kutos
26 of 30
Jerome Drayton
Zack Kutos
27 of 30
George Sheehan
Zack Kutos
28 of 30
Haile Gebrselassie
Zack Kutos
29 of 30
Kathrine Switzer
Zack Kutos
30 of 30
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Contributing Writer Jacob joined Runner’s World and Bicycling as an editorial fellow after graduating from Northwestern University in 2018, where he studied journalism.