As many runners can relate, Ashton Kutcher was feeling the finish-line high after last week’s New York City marathon. Since his sub-4 hour finish, the actor has brought his kids into the running fold by starting to train them for a 5K, according to People.

Kutcher’s wife, actress Mila Kunis, told People that their kids, Wyatt, 8, and Dimitri, 5, were so inspired cheering for their dad in New York that they wanted to lace up, too. The kids have already logged a half-mile to kickstart their training.

Kutcher, 44, ran the New York Marathon for Thorn, a charity he started that protects children from trafficking and online child sexual abuse. He raised more than $1 million, part of which came from leading a virtual Peloton series during which he ran alongside celebs, including Kim Kardashian and Kenny Chesney.

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He was one of many celebrities to finish the New York City marathon this year.

When asked if Kunis will log miles with her family she told People, “I can lie and be like, ‘Absolutely!’ But I’m not.”

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Heather Mayer Irvine
Freelance Writer

Heather is the former food and nutrition editor for Runner’s World, the author of The Runner’s World Vegetarian Cookbook, and a seven-time marathoner with a best of 3:31—but she is most proud of her 1:32 half, 19:44 5K, and 5:33 mile. Her work has been published in The Boston Globe, Popular Mechanics, The Wall Street Journal Buy Side, Cooking Light, CNN, Glamour, The Associated Press, and