Name: Paige Sheppard
Mesa, Arizona
Time Running:
2.5 years
Reason for Running:
Running is something that is just for me. Much of my day-to-day life is spent doing for others, but my run is the one time of day that is solely for my benefit and enjoyment. It is when I can unwind from all the craziness that comes from being a mom to young children, working, and all my other activities!

Running is something I have dabbled in off and on throughout the years but never really took seriously until I ran my first 5K in the winter of 2019. My twin sister was a competitive runner in high school and college, so I sometimes joined her for workouts, but always regarded running as “not my thing.” Running was something I admired other people for doing, but didn’t feel I could do.

However, I made the decision to truly commit to running a few months after my daughter was born in the winter of 2019. Throughout my pregnancy, I had been diabetic and insulin-dependent, which was something that weighed heavily on my mind after her birth. After spending months having to monitor my blood sugar and weight gain, I didn’t want to feel unhealthy ever again. I also was struggling with postpartum depression and anxiety in the months following her arrival. Life felt overwhelming as I grappled with my physical and mental health while also learning to be a mom to two young children.

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When my doctor suggested that I add exercise to my routine to help both my mental and physical health, I turned to running. I didn’t think I’d love it or even be good at it, but I knew that I’d break a sweat. If it came with the added benefit of boosting my mood and helping me settle into my new normal, then I figured it was worth a try!

In the beginning, I made it my goal to run three days a week. I didn’t set a mileage or time goal—I just promised myself that I would get out the door and hit the pavement. Then I made the decision to run an actual race and signed up for a 15K. I searched for training plans online and meshed a few together that I read online to make my training schedule, and upped my running to five days a week.

At first, I strictly stuck to my training plan, but eventually I started missing runs. I ended up having to switch to the 5K, race because I didn’t feel I had trained well enough for a 15K. By the time race day arrived, my only goal was to keep my sister (who had also signed up for the 5K) in my sights during the race. I never would’ve guessed that this race would be the one that got me hooked!

At the beginning of the race, I was nervous and convinced I would struggle. In the end, I finished with a faster time than my sister—a first for me! I felt so proud of myself and knew I wanted to stick with running.

Not too long after the pandemic hit, I suddenly found that I had more time to dedicate to running. I didn’t have anything to train for since most races were canceled, but I promised myself to work toward a half marathon when things went back to “normal.”

Today, I have run multiple races at a few different distances. I love running fun, themed 5Ks. But the races I’m most proud of are my first trail race and first half marathon. In summer 2021, I ran Aravaipa’s Stunner Night Trail Run, a nighttime 12K in Usery Mountain Regional Park. And this past December, I finally ran my first half marathon, the Scottsdale Half Marathon.

However, I began to notice that something was off when I felt increasingly fatigued in 2021. For a long time, I assumed that this was because I was just in a tiring stage of life. I have two small children, I work, and volunteer—there were a lot of reasons it made sense that I was tired. I was also experiencing pain in my hips and feet, which I figured were running-related. For several months, I chalked all of this up as normal until it got to the point where I was falling asleep without meaning too every day and my pain wasn’t improving despite my best efforts to take it easy.

After some initial testing, I was referred to a rheumatologist, and it was determined through several more tests that all the exhaustion and aches were a result of increased inflammation in my body. I was officially diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis shortly before Halloween 2021.

I am more than a year into my treatment now and still experience a lot of pain in my hands and feet, as well as fatigue. I also am very stiff at the beginning and end of the day. There are some days where I need to take things easier than I’d like to, though I am starting to see improvement for the first time since beginning my medication regimen. The goal is to be pain free and stop the disease from progressing. Right now, I’m still learning every day about navigating life with a chronic illness and what that means for my body’s needs.

Having rheumatoid arthritis (RA) has really forced me to be mindful about my recovery. I was usually that runner who skipped things like cooling down and stretching. I’m often on a pretty tight schedule so it has always been easy to let those aspects go. Since developing RA, I’ve had to build in the time to make sure that I recover well after every run. It is something that I cannot skimp on if I want to run multiple times in a week. I now make it a point to stretch before and after runs, and to pay attention to how my joints feel. I’m a big fan of Epsom salt soaks and ice, too!

RA has also impacted when I run. Living in Arizona, summer requires early morning runs. When the temperature hits 90 degrees at 5 a.m., it’s best to be done with your workout early! This has been hard for me since the onset of my RA, because I experience the most pain and stiffness in the morning and at night. I’ve had to either run inside on a treadmill, or get up early enough to warm up thoroughly and wait for the stiffness to improve. As things have cooled down some, I’m able to plan my runs for later in the day so that my body is ready for the impact of running, but I miss being able to get up and get straight to my workout.

Mostly, RA has forced me to be a lot kinder to myself and to truly focus on why I love running. There are inevitably days, when my RA is flaring, that I have to take breaks. There are days where it feels like walking, let alone running, will be too much for me. But running is a way for me to remind myself that even though I have an illness, my body can still do amazing things. Each day that I get out there, regardless of the pace, I am thankful. RA helps me remember that I am valuable and capable in everything I do, even though sometimes things can be hard.

I just started training for my next 10K, so I am running five days a week with cross-training or rest on the remaining two days. It’s cooled down where I live, so I am enjoying getting to be outside during different parts of the day, too. I also have my second half marathon coming up this January. Eventually, I want to run a marathon with my sister—though I’m not quite there yet!

Running has taught me to take pride in my own accomplishments without comparing them to others. When I first started my running journey, I spent a lot of time apologizing for being too slow or not strong enough. It was hard to see other athletes running amazing paces and mileage while I was struggling to finish a 5K. For a long time, I felt like an imposter. I’ll never forget when someone in my running group said “a mile is a mile” in response to my apologies at the end of a workout.

Running has made it easier to believe in my own abilities and take pride in what I can do. I may never be the fastest or the strongest, but every mile that I run has been hard earned and is deserving of joy. This has crossed over into other areas of my life outside of running.

Now, when I take on new tasks and feel anxious about being good enough for the job, I can push through any self-doubt and remind myself that my best is what matters.

Running is also something that has set a great example for the students in my life. I teach English Language Arts to adults who are looking to achieve their high school equivalency, and find myself referring to the strategies I use to stay motivated on my runs in the classroom.

If you’re looking to start running, know that you are a true runner the moment you hit the road. Being a runner doesn’t mean you have to be the fastest or run the farthest. All you need to do is lace up your shoes and be willing to do the work. Don’t let yourself get caught up with keeping up. We’re all in different places on our running journey and every mile along the way matters. Start where you need to and be proud of every gain you make—you’ll end up right where you need to be!

These three tips have made my running journey a success:

1. Find a running group or buddy

I became much more consistent when I joined a running group. Knowing that every week, I’d be able to meet up with a group of people who were interested in my training and who looked forward to my joining them for a run made it much easier to stay consistent. I also learned from the groups collective knowledge.

2. Choose a power phrase

Most runners have experienced that moment of self-doubt during a race or workout where they ask themselves “can I really do this?” Choosing a mantra to repeat to yourself when these moments of self-doubt arise can make all the difference. The moment self-doubt creeps in or I start to find myself thinking negatively during a run, I begin repeating my mantra. This disrupts the pattern of negative thought and lets me focus on the mile I’m in. I usually alternate between “tall. light. forward.” or “be comfortable being uncomfortable.”

3. Celebrate the small stuff

Acknowledge all the small steps you’re taking to make your big goals possible. Training for a certain distance or time takes a lot of practice and planning that is worthy of excitement and praise! Whether you like to share a postrun picture with friends or track your accomplishments in a journal, you absolutely should celebrate and acknowledge all the work you’re putting in before race day.

Paige’s Must-Have Gear

Nathan Hydration Backpack: I love that this pack is lightweight but still has enough room to carry the essentials like your car keys and ID. The 2-liter volume is just enough without being overly heavy. I also love that there is a pocket that easily adjusts to fit different fuel and smaller water bottles.

Sprints Hat: These hats are cool, lightweight, and durable. They dry quickly and come in a ton of fun prints. I love that they’re functional, but still let me show my personality!

Darn Tough Socks: These are great for anyone looking to keep their ankles covered and their feet comfortable! I like the cushioning they give my feet without the extra bulk. These also have fun styles, so if you are like me and love fun prints and funky colors, you’ll enjoy these.

Birdie Personal Alarm: I often run alone and sometimes in the dark which means I have to be extra careful about safety. This personal alarm makes an extremely loud noise and flashes a strobe light when pulled. This is meant to startle an attacker and buy you some time to get away from any threats. It is also loud enough to draw the attention of others nearby in the event of an emergency. I hope I never need to use it but find it comforting to have.

Headshot of Emily Shiffer
Emily Shiffer

Emily Shiffer is a freelance health and wellness writer living in Pennsylvania.