• The parents of Julia Pernsteiner, a member of the Jacksonville University track and cross-country teams, have filed a lawsuit against the university and former coach Ron Grigg.
  • Pernsteiner died of suicide on November 8, 2021 at the age of 23.
  • The lawsuit claims Persteiner was a victim of emotional abuse by Grigg, who ridiculed and mocked her.

Ray and Lynne Pernsteiner, parents of Julia Pernsteiner, filed a lawsuit this month against Jacksonville University and their daughter’s former track and cross-country coach, Ron Grigg. Julia Pernsteiner died by suicide at the age of 23, after enduring two years of bullying and emotional distress. Pernsteiner was found dead in her dorm room on November 8, 2021.

According to the lawsuit filed, Pernsteiner was the victim of ongoing abuse from her coach. In court filings, Pernsteiner’s teammates recounted that Grigg often ridiculed and mocked Pernsteiner to her face as well as in emails and texts, saying things about her weight, her performance, and her learning disability. Then, without notice, he cut her from the team in September, 2021.

Because of a documented learning disability, Pernsteiner required use of academic assistance that the university facilitated under the ADA. The wrongful-death lawsuit filed by Pernsteiner’s parents cites not only negligence by the university, but also a breach of contract and failure to follow requirements of the federal Title IX protection against sex discrimination, the Americans with Disabilities Act. They’re holding Grigg and the school accountable for the loss of their daughter.

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Grigg had been employed by the university since 1998, and was often praised by the school for his winning record. But many current and former athletes have come forward with disturbing stories of his treatment of the women on his team. Many reported having extreme anxiety about weight and performance because of Grigg. When Pernsteiner attempted to bring his treatment to the attention of the university, administrators said they couldn’t substantiate the allegations.

There are several documented versions of Pernsteiner reaching out for help—signals that she was not okay. Included in the lawsuit is an email sent October, 2021, from Pernsteiner to the athletic director. She begged to be allowed back on the team, as it was her means of coping with academic struggles. There was never a response. An emotional cry for help that was ignored entirely.

Grigg has subsequently resigned his position following Pernsteiner’s death and the allegations brought with it. Jacksonville University has responded to local independent journalist Samantha Mathers by saying that they are dedicated to providing mandatory training for coaches moving forward.

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Micah Ling
Freelance Writer

Micah Ling is a freelance writer based out of Salida, Colorado. She splits her time in the mountains biking and trail running. Connect with her on Instagram and Twitter.