Following a national search, the Boston Athletic Association (B.A.A.) today announced Jack Fleming as its new chief executive officer.

Fleming, 53, had been serving as the B.A.A.’s interim CEO since Tom Grilk left the position at the end of April. Previously, he was the organization’s chief operating officer.

Fleming, who is well-liked throughout the running community, is a longtime running industry insider. He has been with the B.A.A. for 30 years, his entire career, since 1992. According to Fleming’s LinkedIn profile, he graduated from Boston College in 1991.

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He faces major challenges ahead. The B.A.A. is currently searching for a principal sponsor for the Boston Marathon to replace John Hancock, which has said 2023 will be its final year with the marathon. Hancock has sponsored the marathon since 1986, stepping in at the time to rescue the race from financial distress.

Road race participation has declined for many races since the pandemic, and the Boston Marathon, with its stringent qualifying standards, has also seen fewer applicants. In past years, Boston Marathon hopefuls would fret over the cutoff time—how much faster they had to be than their qualifying time in order to actually get into the race. But for two years in a row, everyone who has qualified has been granted entry into the race.

The B.A.A. has also faced criticism for its focus on the sport’s faster runners, who tend to be white and wealthy. Until recently, Boston’s more diverse neighborhoods have been overlooked by the B.A.A.

New York Road Runners, which puts on the New York City Marathon, also sought a new leader this year. Unlike the B.A.A., that organization went outside and hired Rob Simmelkjaer, a sports business executive with a background in television.

“After a thorough process featuring a group of diverse candidates from across the country with various backgrounds, our Board decided that Jack was the best person for our organization based on his in-depth knowledge of the industry, the B.A.A. in particular, our athletes, and the communities we serve,” said Dr. Michael P. O’Leary, chairman of the B.A.A.’s board of governors, said in a statement. “We are confident in Jack’s ability to take on this next challenge and thrive, moving our mission forward.”

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Sarah Lorge Butler

Sarah Lorge Butler is a writer and editor living in Eugene, Oregon, and her stories about the sport, its trends, and fascinating individuals have appeared in Runner’s World since 2005. She is the author of two popular fitness books, Run Your Butt Off! and Walk Your Butt Off!