For every New York City Marathon since 1978, New York Road Runners has tracked the temperature at the time of the first runner’s finish.

The hottest on record? That was 1979, when it was 80 degrees as the winner, Bill Rodgers, broke the tape in 2:11:42, the last of his four consecutive victories. Grete Waitz of Norway won the women’s race in a then-world record of 2:27:33.

At that time, the marathon was still held in October. For the 1986 race, after two consecutive years of finishing temperatures in the 70s, the race was pushed to a November date.

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Tomorrow, when the first runner crosses the line from the pro women’s field around 11 a.m., the forecast calls for a temperature of 72 degrees. In other words, it won’t break any records, but it will be unseasonably warm nonetheless. And much warmer than the 51 degrees it was this time last year. The last time the temperature at the finish hit 70 was in 1993.

Granted, most runners have trained through a hotter summer than this. (Typically races see more problems when springtime races are hot, and participants have not trained in heat at all.)

Race organizers are ready for whatever comes their way. Speaking to the media this morning, NYC Marathon race director Ted Metellus outlined the precautions the race is taking to help the field of 50,000, the first full-sized NYC Marathon since the pre-pandemic year of 2019.

  • According to Metellus, the race has 21 water and Gatorade stations over 26.2 miles. It’s the same number as always, but they’ll be stocked with extra fluids and ice this year.
  • The race will add nine misting stations for runners to pass under, should they want to cool down.
  • The route has 25 medical stations. “Every mile of this course will have some level of service for our runners,” Metellus said.
  • Race communications that went out to runners earlier this week urged them to dress with light and loose clothing, wear hats and sunscreen, and to set an easier pace than they might otherwise. “That’s key,” Metellus said. “We’re not looking for folks to go out and have a PR. We want you to have a party. Have a good time.”
  • That advice goes for the spectators and 10,000 marathon volunteers as well, Metellus said. The same principles apply: Dress for the weather, stay hydrated, and pace yourself.
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Sarah Lorge Butler

Sarah Lorge Butler is a writer and editor living in Eugene, Oregon, and her stories about the sport, its trends, and fascinating individuals have appeared in Runner’s World since 2005. She is the author of two popular fitness books, Run Your Butt Off! and Walk Your Butt Off!