The Boston Athletic Association (B.A.A.) announced today it will allow pregnant runners or those who have recently welcomed a child to defer their entries into the Boston Marathon or other B.A.A. races for up to two years.

According to a release, runners have until two weeks before race day to submit a deferral request. Confirmation of the pregnancy is required from a doctor, midwife, or other medical professional.

“In listening to our participants and stakeholders, the desire from mothers and expecting mothers to participate in our races—particularly the Boston Marathon—while also focusing on building a family was clear,” said Jack Fleming, president and CEO of the B.A.A., in the statement. “Women who are entered in a B.A.A. race and want to expand their family will be able to do just that without giving up a chance to participate at a future B.A.A. event.”

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Registrants who use the pregnancy deferral will have to pay for another entry, but they will not have to qualify again for the marathon.

The issue of race deferrals due to pregnancy has come up from time to time, as expectant mothers have run the Boston Marathon, including one who was 34 weeks pregnant, or stopped en route to breastfeed.

Last week, one runner took to Instagram to complain that Boston wouldn’t allow her to defer. The post received a lot of attention.

The B.A.A.’s release said that changes to the pregnancy policy have been in the works for months. The release also said that accommodations for nursing mothers will be enhanced at the marathon this year, with additional information still to come.

A Chicago Marathon spokesperson said in an email to Runner’s World, “We’re working on updating our policies to accommodate pregnant as well as postpartum participants for the 2023 event. This includes an adjustment to the event’s standard deferment policy. Our goal is to share this update with registered participants and the running community in the coming months.”

Boston’s new policy does not cover fathers of newborn babies or adoptive parents; it’s for pregnant women or those who have recently given birth.

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Sarah Lorge Butler

Sarah Lorge Butler is a writer and editor living in Eugene, Oregon, and her stories about the sport, its trends, and fascinating individuals have appeared in Runner’s World since 2005. She is the author of two popular fitness books, Run Your Butt Off! and Walk Your Butt Off!