If you've been training to run fast for a while, you know that good running form starts with your ability to sense and feel the ground, and that most of the time you should be running in lightweight shoes that match the dynamic flex and agility of your feet. There have always been a few such models available, but more are on the way -- including the crop we've reviewed here. If you've been used to running in high-off-the-ground shoes with steep heel-toe ramp angles, you should slowly transition over four to eight weeks, alternating between your old shoes and new shoes, gradually moving toward more use of the new ones. And, you should be consistent about doing form drills and relentlessly maintaining your general strength or core strength.

* weights listed are for men's size 9.0 and women's size 7.0


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Karhu Racer
K-Swiss Blade-Light Run
Mizuno Wave Ronin 2
Nike Free Run+
Saucony Grid Type A4
Saucony Kinvara
Vibram Five Fingers Bikila
Zoot Ultra Kalani


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If you've been running long enough, you probably know there's sometimes a half-size variation between brands. While that issue is mostly irrelevant if you're buying shoes at a specialty retailer (because you can just try on the next size), it can be a real pain if you're buying shoes from an online store. At shoefitr.com, you can type in your typical shoe size and it can spit out the best recommended size of a particular brand and model based on measurement scanning it has completed. The application was designed for online retailers like runningwarehouse.com, but it's accessible to consumers as well.

There's been plenty of debate about shoe styles and running form. Here's a quick rundown of what a few elite American distance runners wear for various workouts and race distances.

AMY BEGLEY (Nike)Structure Triax Lunar Racer Zoom Streak XC Zoom Streak XC/ Lunar Racer
JAMES CARNEY (New Balance)758905 205205
DESIREE DAVILA (Brooks) LaunchT6 Racer T6 Racer T6 Racer
MAGDALENA LEWY BOULET (Saucony) Grid Tangent 4 Kinvara Fastwitch 4/ Type A4Fastwitch 4
RYAN HALL (ASICS) GEL-Cumulus 12 GEL-Cumulus 12Japan Thunder 3 GEL-Hyper Speed 4
PAT RIZZO (Mizuno) Wave Rider 13 Wave Precision 11 Osaka 5 Wave Ronin 2

Other lightweight, minimalist shoes to consider include:

* adidas ClimaCool Chill
* ASICS GEL-Hyper Speed 4
* ASICS GEL-DS Racer 8
* Avia Avi-Bolt II
* Brooks Green Silence
* Brooks Racer ST 4
* New Balance 101
* Nike LunaRacer+ 2
* Pearl Izumi Streak
* Puma Roadracer 4
* Saucony Grid Fastwitch 4
* Zoot Ali'i 3.0