When Carol Goodrow, a teacher in Tolland, Connecticut, takes her class of youngsters out for their weekly mile run, she's not just doing it because she wants to share her love of running. She knows that once they get back, they'll all write excitedly about it in their journals.

"Running and learning go together," says Goodrow, who developed kidsrunning.com, a Web site that offers fitness advice for children, links to running programs, and advice on including running in the student curriculum. Goodrow's messages of learning through running also fill her popular children's book Happy Feet, Healthy Food (available on www.kidsrunning.com). Geared to children ages 6 to 12, the book is a yearlong journal with exercise and nutrition advice (like a recipe for a healthy ice-cream sundae filled mostly with fruit), along with daily pages to write about the day's activities and eating habits.

Headshot of Marc Bloom
Marc Bloom

Marc Bloom’s high school cross-country rankings have played an influential role in the sport for more than 20 years and led to the creation of many major events, including Nike Cross Nationals and the Great American Cross Country Festival. He published his cross-country journal, Harrier, for more than two decades.