There’s no better way to start or end your workday than with a run. And, with gas prices on the rise, driving is losing its appeal. So why not run to commute?

I was a run commuter for a few years and loved it. It was an efficient way to get from home to my workplace while getting my workout in. Listening to a good running playlist or podcast on the way was just the icing on the cake.

Sure, there were some days I didn’t want to roll out of bed and run the six miles to downtown Philadelphia. But every time I finished, I looked forward to having the whole day ahead of me and my run behind me.

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Not everyone’s life schedule is conducive to a run commute. Some folks might not want to sacrifice the enjoyment of their run for the sake of getting to work. Others just might not like having to shower at the office. But if it makes sense for you, give it a try. You might find you like it, which makes the benefits that much sweeter.

If you need more convincing, here’s the why and how you should run to commute.

Why you should run to commute

Save money on gas or public transport

The 2017 American Housing Survey found that the median annual cost of commuting per household was $2,226. Driving is the most expensive way to commute at $11 a day. Add in soaring gas prices in 2022, and those numbers are certainly worse today.

Public transportation is certainly less expensive, coming in at a median cost of $1,612. However, what if you could run to work one way, and take public transportation the other? You’d cut those costs in half.

It’s good for the environment

Transportation made up 29 percent of the U.S.’s greenhouse gas emissions in 2019, according to the Environmental Protection Agency. While this is an all-encompassing number, commuting to work five days a week definitely plays a part.

Running to or from work means less cars on the road at once, which leads to reduced traffic. The less traffic, the less time cars spend on the road, which then reduces greenhouse gas emissions. You can lace up your shoes knowing that you’re making a positive environmental choice.

By exercising while commuting, you’re saving time in your day

The average one-way commute for Americans in 2019 was 27.6 minutes, according to the Census Bureau. And you were going to run anyway today, right? So by running to or from work, you’re actually saving the time that would have been spent running after or before your commute, minus the commute time.

Now, not everybody lives close to their office. If you’re in a metropolitan area, it could be as little as a 20-minute run to get to work, which is probably similar to the drive. But if you’re in a suburban or rural area, you could be facing a much longer run.

In that case, you might have to plan your run commute just once a week as your intermediate long run. It still makes a difference and shakes up your weekly routine.

How to run commute

Get a running backpack

No, not just your regular Jansport. You need to buy a running backpack. Why? Because you don’t want to jog three, four, five-plus miles with a bouncing bag on your back, chafing your neck and bruising your shoulders.

Running backpacks have a few great features that make the commute comfortable. They have intricate strap systems that form the pack to your body to prevent extraneous movement. They have smartly designed pockets for specific items, like laptops or phones. Some even have hydration bladders that help you stay hydrated on your way to the office. If you want some recommendations, check out our guide to the best running backpacks.

Plan for the other half of the commute

Maybe you’re a morning person who wants to run from home to work. Maybe you like to ease into the day and run back home from the office. But unless you’re running high enough mileage that you can run to and from work, you’ll have to plan one half of the trip.

If you take public transportation, you just have to take a bus, train, subway, or rideshare like Uber to your destination. If you’re a part of a carpool, it’s also pretty easy to snag a ride. But if you’re in a place where you need to drive yourself, it requires extra planning.

Try this: Drive to work on day one. Leave your car at the office and run home. Then, when you run to work the following day, you’ll be able to drive the car back.

Pack smart

Less is more when it comes to the run commute. Work laptop? Necessity. Book to read on lunch break? Not worth the added weight. Work shoes? You can probably just keep a pair at the office.

In fact, it’s worth it to keep a whole extra set of office clothes at work, then you don’t have to worry about carrying clothing every single run commute. If you wear makeup, keep a makeup bag at the office. Otherwise, there are sweatproof products you can apply pre-run.


If your office or workplace has a shower, then you’re all set to freshen up before the workday. If not, take a look in the nearby area for a gym that has shower access. If you strike out on both of those options, you could always just run to commute home. But if you want to run in the morning and don’t want to be sticky and smelly all day, there are a few things you can do to freshen up.

At the bare minimum, you can pack anti-perspirant deodorant or body spray. A pleasant odor can go a long way in covering up the stink. If that’s not enough, then bring a towel and some face or body wash to wipe away the sweat from problem areas like your face and armpits.

There are products out there that give you all the benefits of a shower without the shower. There are different wipes and sprays that do the trick for your body. To clean your hair, purchase dry shampoo. It’s typically an aerosol spray or powder that soaks up oil and removes dirt and grime when applied to your scalp.

Hygiene Essentials for Your Run Commute
Dove Antiperspirant Deodorant
Dove Dove Antiperspirant Deodorant
Now 19% Off
Men's Deoderant
Secret Outlast Invisible Solid Antiperspirant Deodorant
Secret Secret Outlast Invisible Solid Antiperspirant Deodorant
Now 11% Off
Batiste Dry Shampoo
Batiste Batiste Dry Shampoo
Now 30% Off
Scrubzz Disposable No Rinse Bathing Wipes
Scrubzz Scrubzz Disposable No Rinse Bathing Wipes

Figure out what works best for you

Everyone’s routine is different, therefore everyone’s running commute will look different. Test it out in a few different ways to see what works. Maybe you only run into work on Mondays and back home on Fridays to save some time around the weekends. Or, maybe you grind out your midweek runs to the office to get them over with.

If it doesn’t fit with your routine, so be it; at least you gave it a try.

Headshot of Chris Hatler
Chris Hatler
Service & News Editor

Chris Hatler is a writer and editor based in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, but before joining Runner’s World and Bicycling, he was a pro runner for Diadora, qualifying for multiple U.S. Championships in the 1500 meters. At his alma mater the University of Pennsylvania, Chris was a multiple-time Ivy League conference champion and sub-4 minute miler.