Runners are notorious for roping family and friends into doing races together, because once you’ve been bit by the running bug, you want to convert everyone you know. It seems like that’s exactly what Twilight actor Booboo Stewart has done with his girlfriend Violett Beane (The Flash). The couple ran the Rock ‘n’ Roll Las Vegas Half Marathon last week, and Stewart, a seasoned runner who’s been racing marathons for several years, helped pace Beane in what she says was her first race ever.

In an Instagram caption recapping her race experience, she wrote, “I self-proclaim as ‘not-a-runner’ so not sure how I did this but kudos to anyone who has ever run in any race length close to this. This s**t’s hard!!”

Beane finished in a time of 2:07:33, one place ahead of Stewart, who finished in the same time.

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Stewart, who is also an avid hiker, surfer, and champion martial artist, and works as a stunt double, has been running the LA Marathon annually since 2017—he clocked a 3:40:08 finish in 2021—occasionally posts about the 15+ mile training runs he fits in when he’s not on set.

His race recaps tend to encourage his followers to chase their own goals, in running and other pursuits. After the 2019 LA Marathon, he wrote, “If there’s something you’ve been wanting to do... do it. Why wait? Set goals that will build you up to doing it and knock each goal down by completing it. You’ll eventually reach it. But never stop reaching, after you’ve met those goals, set higher ones.”

It seems debut distance runner Beane went through all the typical mixed emotions one feels after a race. She ended her post saying, “thank you and I hate you to for pushing me.” If she decides to keep putting in the miles, it would be pretty on brand considering she played a character with super speed on The Flash, a role that required running in place to get that cool faster-than-the-speed-of-light effect on camera.